On the article, Noynoy is ranting about how biased Lopez was in the forum. He fumes about the introduction of Lopez to other candidate to be more nice-to-hear than what Lopez said in his introduction to him.
Ang Pikon talaga ng abnoy na ito, hindi lang niya nakuha gusto niyang introduction at packaging sa forum nag-tantrums na.
Have he even consider the forums where Ted Failon was the moderator, Villar was bashed and slaughtered, but he did not notice since the moderator favored him. he also joined in the bashing if I remember it correctly.
How many times did other candidate experience bashings from moderators and even the audience in previous fora? Did anyone speak and rage about it? Especially Manny Villar. But did we hear him saying that the forum was biased?
Noynoy raves like a spoiled kid who did not receive the attention he wanted. He cannot even hold his temper infront of everybody. Not even have the ability to be ready with the uncertainties a any occasions. How narrow-mind a leader is he?
tsk tsk tsk tsk...

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